Science is an exciting subject that builds on children’s natural curiosity about the world. It provides foundations for understanding the world around them through the study of biology, physics and chemistry.
As well as developing essential knowledge and vocabulary (outlined in our Knowledge Organisers below), children at Myatt Garden learn by ‘doing’ science. Our children are active learners! Investigations are key to developing children’s understanding and are built in to every unit of learning. As children move through the school, they develop the skills to work scientifically: they learn to observe, ask questions, hypothesise, test their ideas, present their results and provide rational explanations for their findings.
Each year group undertakes a variety of scientific investigations, including observing over time, pattern seeking, identifying, classifying and regrouping, comparative and fair testing, and research using secondary sources.
Our children are aware of the important role that scientists play in the world and are introduced to real scientists who discuss their roles and potential employment routes. As part of our work to become an anti-racist school, we are currently updating our curriculum to celebrate contribution of Black scientists who are often omitted from history books.