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Myatt Garden Primary School


Who are we?

We are all volunteers who are passionate about Myatt Garden and the important role of schools in society.  We want to make a positive contribution to our communities and help Myatt Garden School provide the best possible education for all children.

We believe in the power of partnership with parents, teachers and governors to transform children's lives.

There are several types of governor: parent, co-opted, local authority and staff.

Name of Governor Role
Patricia Durr Chair of Governors
Catrin Gruffyd Jones Vice Chair
Mark Gregory-White Co-opted Governor
Gabrielle McGuinness Co-opted Governor
Matthew Parks Co-opted Governor
Julie Wood Co-opted Governor
Christina Pons Staff Governor
Shay-Simone Brown Parent Governor
Martha Hampson Parent Governor
Salome Lunt Deputy Headteacher
Sally Williams Headteacher


Governing Body Structure 

Governors' Register of Interests

Committee Structure

Governors' Attendance at Meetings 2023-24


What do we do?

Governors work as a team (the Governing Body) in partnership with the Headteacher to promote continuous improvement in the school’s performance.

 We are responsible and accountable for major decisions about the school and its future such as:

  • setting the school's values, vision and strategic aims;
  • monitoring and evaluating performance;
  • setting budgets;
  • ensuring that the school is accountable to children, parents, staff and the wider community.

When do we meet?

The Governing Body have termly visits to talk to parents and carers.

We also have two committees: Resources and Standards, which meet twice a term in the evenings. Some governors have additional responsibilities for particular areas of school business such as child protection, looked after children and health and safety.

Dates of our meetings are always advertised on the school calendar.  Minutes of the Governing Body meetings can be requested by emailing: admin@myattgarden.lewisham.sch.uk


How can I find out more about being a governor?

You don’t need to be a parent or education expert to volunteer as a governor at our school. Our school requires a combination of hard and soft skills to ensure our boards operate effectively. If you’re over 18 and willing to devote some of your time to improving educational standards every month, we encourage you to express your interest. Start by downloading the information pack below: 

Governor Information Pack



Watch our School Video here