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Myatt Garden Primary School

Wrap Around Care


Breakfast Club 

Breakfast Club is a before-school facility open to all children from Nursery through to Year 6; it’s a fun and relaxed way to start the day.



The nursery breakfast club runs from 8:30am to 9:15am in the nursery. Children using this service will need to arrive using the entrance to the nursery on Upper Brockley Road between 08:30 am and 9:10 am.
Due to limited spaces available in the breakfast club and lower staffing ratios, to ensure that the club is appropriately staffed bookings for the breakfast club will need to be made and committed to a half-term in advance. The cost for using this service is £5 per day and payments can be made via ParentPay or childcare vouchers.
Please complete the Nursery Breakfast Club Registration Form and hand it to the school office or a member of the nursery team or send it via email to: admin@myattgarden.lewisham.sch.uk

Reception, KS1 & KS2

Our breakfast club runs from 8am to 9.15am in the main school hall for pupils attending primary school. Children using this service will need to arrive using the Pond Gate on Rokeby Road between 8.00 and 8.45 am (no access will be permitted after 8.50 am). An adult must use the entry phone at the inside gate to gain access to the playground and escort their child to breakfast club. Children will be offered a choice of fruit, cereal and/or a bagel for breakfast.

You can use the service as and when required for a fee of £5.00 per day.  If you are using the service for the first time, please complete the Breakfast Club Registration Form and hand it into the school office or a member of the breakfast club team.

Payment for the breakfast club can be made via ParentPay or via childcare vouchers.

Children’s attendance will be recorded on their account for each morning you register them at the club and £5.00 will be deducted from your breakfast club balance. Please ensure that you have a credit on your account at all times so that the sessions can be booked. If you have not yet registered for ParentPay, please click here or see a member of staff in the school office.

Children will be sent/escorted to class, depending on their age, when their class opens.  If you have any questions or queries, please speak to the school office or email us at: admin@myattgarden.lewisham.sch.uk


National School Breakfast Programme

The National School Breakfast Programme is funded by the Department for Education and run by Family Action to support schools in England to provide children with a healthy breakfast at the start of the school day. Family Action is committed to supporting child development and believe a healthy school breakfast, without barrier or stigma, can set up children to succeed and give them the very best chance to learn.  The National School Breakfast programme provides us with healthy, free food delivered to school at a reduced cost until July 2025.

A variety of cereals and bagels will be available daily to all families in the school playground, under the canopy from 08.45am - 09.10am.

The breakfast programme has already had made a positive impact with students really enjoying the bagels in the morning, more information can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/thousands-more-children-to-benefit-from-free-breakfast-clubs

After School Club

Myatt Garden's After School Club is managed by the school and is based in the main school hall. It is available to all children from Nursery to Year 6.  The cost is £13.00 per day or £60.00 per week for children in Year 1 and up. For children in early years the cost is £15 per day or £70 per week. Children are sent to the main hall by their class teacher at the end of the school day, or collected from class depending on their age.

After School Club commences when school finishes until 6pm. This is 3:15pm for nursery, 3:20pm for reception and 3:30pm for KS1 and KS2.

Our After School Club provides a wide range of activities such as crafts, games and art.  They also fully use the outside area for sports activities and outdoor games.  There is a high expectation that children attending will be well-behaved and follow the school rules, in line with our School’s Behaviour Policy.  All school policies will apply to the wrap-around care service.  

You can register for Myatt Garden After School Care by completing the After School Club Registration Form and here are the Terms and Conditions.

If you need to make any cancellations or amendments or you need to book a session at very short notice, please call the school office on 020 8691 0611.  

If you need to contact a member of the After School Club team, please call 07742 967605 after 3pm.

Watch our School Video here